Stuy Splash 2018

Stuy Splash is an intensive camp for FRC, covering everything from the foundation of your robot to the 0’s and 1’s that make it overweight.

In 2018, we held Stuy Splash at Stuyvesant High School on December 8. Below are the presentations from the event.

Tips and Tricks from an FRC Maniac with Mr. Blay

Joe Blay has been involved in FRC for 13 years as a student, driver, mentor, drive coach, and teacher. In this presentation he will share as many tips and tricks for success in FRC as he can.

Understanding Electric Motors with Dan Lavin

The lecture is intended to create an understanding of the electrical and mechanical forces behind electric motors and how they lead to motor curves. Topics will include the relationships between current and torque and between speed and back EMF.

Networking and Sponsor Relations with Elizabeth Olshanetsky

This presentation will focus on effective networking in FIRST Robotics and beyond as well as acquiring and maintaining sponsor relationships.

Media: What’s good, Why it’s Good and How to Get Good with Areyan Kayum

We will talk about why having a strong media presence is good for your team, and how to improve your team’s media presence.

FRC Drivetrain and Gearbox Design with Piotr Milewski

Do you want to learn the basics of what makes your robot move on the field and what makes all those intakes and elevators, well, actually intake and elevate? Well you’ve come to the right place. We’ll be going over all that you need to know in order to start designing your own FRC drivetrains and gearboxes. Examples will be shown using SolidWorks.

3D Printers and How to Use Em Properly with Ryan Aday

A brief lecture dedicated to what a 3D printer is, how it works (parses code, etc), different types of 3D printers and filaments and what you want for specific jobs, and setting up printers. Interesting personal stories that may be used for how to troubleshoot may be told.

How to become a “Mobility Missionary” at Competitions with Julian Wong

A cool lecture about how to help other teams at competitions and how StuyPulse does it with their “Mobility Missionary” Team and “Fix-it Crew”.

Intro to PID Control with Hui Min Wu

We’ll discuss what P, I, and D are in relation to the speed output to a robot. We’ll also discuss the various methods to tune the P, I, and D values of a robot and how you can implement it into the code.

Engineering Design and Why It Matters with Eric Lam

You can build a robot that does a ton of awesome things, but can you make a robot that is capable of winning? Whether you are engineering the physical robot, the code, or even your Chairman’s presentation, learn why engineering is much more than just throwing great features together.

The In’s and Out’s of Outreach with Emily Adam and Adalia Spadafora

Want to know how to make the most of your efforts when it comes to outreach? In this workshop, we’ll be discussing how 771 evolves, evaluates, organizes, and adapts our outreach to maximize our impact year to year.

FRC Decision Making: 694’s 2018 Robot with Eric Chen

Decision making in FRC is challenging, perhaps arbitrary at best. In this presentation, we will explore what factors to take in consideration when designing a robot, along with how these can evolve throughout a season. Using StuyPulse’s 2018 robot as a case study, I will explain how our decisions and mistakes drove our thought process, demonstrating how sometimes “bad” decisions are not as bad as they seem.

How to Bribe Your Robot Inspector with Noah Tom-Wong

Robot inspection can be a stressful time for a lot of teams, but it really doesn’t have to be! I’ll walk you through the inspection checklist and how make your inspection goes as smoothly as possible. You won’t actually be taught how to bribe inspectors.

Game Strategy with Howard Cohen

Building the robot is half the battle, executing your design in the over game strategy can be the key to being 1st seed and winning your competition.

Pneumatics 101: Why is Air? with Noah Tom-Wong

We will go through the basics of calculating for and constructing a pneumatic system, and go through some best practices and component choices.

Volunteering: Expectations vs. Reality with Hailey Sango

Going over volunteering, finding the right volunteering spot for you, and going over the process to be a volunteer during the 2019 season.

FTC Design Process with Lili Boenigk

I will discuss the FTC design process and how to most efficiently transition from ideas to a competitive robot.

Linear Motion (without Pneumatics) with Saahir Ganti-Agrawal

Explanation of techniques for mechanisms that move linearly, as I have seen in FTC robotics.)

What We Learned from Beta Testing with Kevin Cai and Tahsin Ahmed

We talk about what we learned from the new software updates FIRST gives us for the 2019 season.

Computer Vision with Joe Suzuki and George Liang

This lecture is going to illustrate what computer vision is and the concepts and uses in FIRST Robotics games.

Scouting with Megan Gupta-She

My lecture will be about what you can do before comp and during comp to scout out teams compatible for your team and your strategy.

Adventures in iMovie: Editing Tips and Tricks! Helena Williams

Want to put together a robot reveal, but you have a budget of $0? No problem! I’m going to be discussing how to use the free iMovie app to edit together videos that make your team look cool. Note: Unfortunately, iMovie is only usable on Apple products.