Donate to the Team

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Our robotics team is becoming a greater presence in the Stuyvesant community, with over 150 members in our three robotics teams. With more students joining every year and more projects being done, lots of our equipment and materials are dwindling and getting old. In order to provide students with state-of-the-art materials and more opportunities so that they can continue doing the things they do, we need YOUR help.

If you or your company wishes to donate, please click on the donate button above or contact us at [email protected].

Thank you so much for your continuous support and contribution to the team!

Sponsorship Levels

Platinum Highest Overall Sponsor

Sponsor shall receive the honor of naming the robot.

Gold $10000+

Contributors shall receive a thank you package and have their name mentioned during every competition and in the Impact Award video.

Silver $5000-$9999

Sponsors shall have their company logo placed on the competing robot.

Bronze $1000-$4999

Sponsors shall have their company name/logo on the back of the year’s T-shirt, along with an invitation to visit the robotics lab during build season.

Aluminum $500-$999

Sponsors shall have their company name/logo placed on our website for a year.