Maker Faire

Maker Faire is a group of annual events organized and run by Make magazine to “celebrate arts, crafts, engineering, science projects and the Do-It-Yourself mindset”. At Maker Faire representatives from companies that represent this “Do-It-Yourself mindset” can rent a booth to demonstrate and hawk their products to crowds of eager hackers, technologists, and enthusiasts who come for the show and to see cutting edge developments.

Make Magazine is also a great supporter of FIRST, and provides a space each year for select teams chosen by FIRST to demonstrate their robots in action and show how cool being a part of any one of the competitions is. Team 694 has been selected to represent FIRST at this event for every one of the three years that the New York Maker Faire event has existed. We feel honored to have been chosen and thrilled with the idea of carrying our knowledge into the next generation of roboticists by instilling in young viewers the same fascination with robotics that drives us to participate in the FIRST Robotics Challenge.

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