Latest Posts

» End of the Competition Season

By Justin Kim on Sunday, April 06, 2014  

First, thank you to everybody who came to the Javits Convention Center to cheer for our team in the NYC regional! It was a great time and we appreciate all the support.

StuyPulse reached quarterfinals in the elimination bracket, but did not win the regional. As such, we will not be heading to the world championship in St. Louis this year. However, be on the lookout for future announcement about off-season events!

And finally, congratulations to our incredible drive team, our extremely dedicated team members, our team mentors and teachers, all our families, and every one of our sponsors for seeing us through the 2014 FRC season. Our combined efforts makes our accomplishments possible, and we value the support given throughout the year.

Go StuyPulse!

» In the Wake of Buckeye

By Justin Kim on Monday, March 24, 2014  

StuyPulse returns battered, but not beaten, from the Buckeye Regional in Cleveland, Ohio, placing as the 8th alliance captain. After being ousted in the quarterfinals of elimination matches, we’re looking forward to the New York City Regional (April 4th to 6th). Come cheer with us at the Jacob Javits Convention Center!


» Aerial Assist!

By Chesley Tan on Saturday, January 04, 2014  

The game for the 2014 season has been released! Find out more about the game on the Official FIRST page: 2014 FRC Aerial Assist

Watch the game animation here!

» Stuy Splash 2013!

By Justin Kim on Thursday, December 12, 2013  

StuyPulse will be hosting our annual Stuy Splash this Saturday, December 14, in Stuyvesant High School. Join us for a day of lectures and stories shared by speakers from the FIRST community. The event begins at 9 AM with registration and continues through 4 PM. Feel free to drop in and drop out as your schedule permits.

» Biannual Book Sale

By Justin Kim on Tuesday, October 15, 2013  

The team will be having the biannual book sale this Saturday, October 19. As always, we will be at the crossing of Greenwich and Chambers. Come check out books and help support the team!

» Interest Meeting - Come see the team

By Justin Kim on Saturday, September 28, 2013  

The annual team interest meeting will be held on October 3 at 3:30 PM in the school cafeteria. Come see the team demo our latest robots and introduce new Stuyvesant students to robotics!

» StuyPulse Alumni Association

By Kevin Wang on Friday, June 21, 2013  

A number of our dedicated alumni have started a team alumni association. Visit the Alumni Association page to learn more and to sign up for the newsletter and chat group.

» Potluck dinner!

By Justin Kim on Sunday, May 26, 2013  

The annual potluck dinner and silent auction will be Friday, June 14. All mentors, parents, alumni, and students are welcome to attend! This is our opportunity to thank the entire StuyPulse family for their support during the year.

Attendees are encouraged to bring food and drink for the potluck. Please sign up with your contribution.

» St. Louis and looking forward...

By Justin Kim on Saturday, May 18, 2013  

After reaching semi-finals in the Hartford regional, we flew out to St. Louis for the world championship to compete in Archimedes. While we didn’t break out of our division, the Einstein matches were a blast! Congratulations to Team 610,Team 1241, and Team 1477 on their championship victory!

With the book sale canceled on account of weather conditions, we’re attending an off-season event, Monty Madness on Saturday, May 18. Team elections will be held on Friday, May 24.

» Victory at New York!

By Kevin Wang on Sunday, March 10, 2013  

With the help of our awesome alliance partners Team 3137, and Team 4797, we won the New York City Regional! Next up is the Connecticut Regional in Hartford (March 28th to 30th), and then we’re off to the championship in St. Louis!