
By Yedoh Kang on Sunday, January 15, 2017

Kickoff was a blast! Excited members, mentors, alumni, coaches, and parents gathered in the theatre to watch the live stream of the unveil of FIRST Steamworks. (Did you see our team featured in the song?!?) After watching the live stream together, we ran through important parts of the game manual to get everyone familiar with the rules and the specifics. We then broke into groups to strategize, and discussed possible game plans. We finished off the day coming back together as a team and sharing our thoughts on what we discussed, and went home feeling excited for what the next six weeks would bring! StuyPulse wishes the best of luck to all teams, and we can’t wait to see all the cool, steaming robots on the field at competition!

Kickoff livestream

Watching the kickoff livestream in the auditorium.

Strategy groups

Discussing strategy in small groups

Large strategy group

Meeting on the third floor to share strategies