2016: DEStiny


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Our 2016 robot, DEStiny, named by our top sponsor, D.E. Shaw & Co, was our best robot yet. Although there were many challenges and problems during competitions, we were able to become Regional Champions at the NYC Regional, and win the Engineering Inspiration Award sponsored by NASA. We also won the Entrepreneurship Award and were quarterfinalists at the South Florida Regional. We were able to qualify for World Championships, and there, we were Subdivision Champs of the Curie Subdivision. At Einstein, we were quarterfinalists. Also, we were able to attend our third CRC event along with other international teams in Shenzhen, China, and be part of the creation of the first ever Chinese Regional.


  • Einstein Field Quarterfinalist
  • Curie Championship Subdivison Winner
  • New York City Regional Winner
  • South Florida Regional Quarterfinalist
  • Engineering Inspiration Award
  • Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers