2015: PEGasus1

Our 2015 robot, PEGasus1, named by our top sponsor, the Stuyvesant Parent Association, was one of our most mechanically stable robots yet. With only minor problems throughout competitions, PEGasus1’s consistent performance seeded us second in New York regional qualifications, brought us to the finals of New York Regional, and the semifinals of Buckeye Regional. Not only this, but our team won the Gracious Professionalism award at New York Regional for helping translate for the Chinese teams that attended and assisting other teams fix their robots. Also, this year, it was our honor to attend the last Monty Madness scrimmage and return to Shenzhen, China to attend the second CRC event along with seven other international teams. Along with these international teams, we assisted the newer Chinese FRC teams finish building their robots.


  • New York City Regional Finalist
  • Buckeye Regional Semifinalist
  • Volunteer of the Year (Jeanne Boyarsky)
  • FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award (Yubin Kim)
  • Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson