2013: DESiree

2013 was one of the most exciting years for StuyPulse. After a strong start in our build season, we produced DESiree, a robotic speed demon with an on-the-dot accurate shooter. With the incredible skills and strategy of our drive team, we used that speed to our advantage, running circles around other robots in our first regional. We emerged victors of the New York City regional along with our alliance members 3137 and 4797. Not only that, senior Joanna Zhu was decorated as a Dean’s List Finalist, one of the most distinguished awards in FIRST. Improving our shooter between New York and Connecticut, we prepared to face off against more opponents in our second regional. We were beset with unexpected shooter problems, but succeeded in reaching semi-finals in Hartford, the first time since our 2009 robot, Michael1. Riding high on our excitement from the regionals, we traveled to St. Louis, where we played against other internationally recognised teams invited to join the world championship.


  • New York City Regional Winner
  • FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award (Joanna Zhu)
  • Connecticut Regional Semifinalists
  • Monty Madness Quarterfinalist